
Friday, March 26, 2010

How to increase google adsense CTR in few seconds

CTR stands for Click Through Rate that means how much your website ads are being clicked. So, here, I am going to explain a funny story to increase your google adsense ctr to maximize your website's earning. Actually, earning depends upon ctr because
High Traffic=High CTR=$$$$$

The basic goal that you have to instal in your head is that YOU HAVE TO MAKE YOUR ADS LOOK LESS LIKE ADS.

As you know old and ugly 468×60 ads are still present from the history of internet when internet started. Now, even a newbie, can easily understand that it is an advertisement ad and he will probably click on this sort of any ad

Step 1:-Using the best Ad Format

I have experimented with Ad formats with lot of websites and what usually works best for me are the 336 x 280 large rectangular blocks and the 300 x 250 smaller rectangular blocks. These two Ad formats have got me the best click through rates (CTR). The worst Ad format you could choose is the 468 x 60 or the 728 x 90, which look just like banners, and as mentioned above, causes "banner phobia" and get the least click through rates. You should also stay well clear of the tall vertical units such as the 120 x 240, 160 x 600 and the 120 x 600 because the only places that these would fit would be the left or right hand sides of the webpage. This positioning will give them a very low CTR.

Remember : Use 336 x 280 units or 300 x 250 if your really stuck for space.

Step 2:-Using the best colors for your Ad Units

As a general rule of thumb, always make your Ad Unit background and border colour the same as your website background colour. Why? I hear you ask. Well the reason for this is that the ad unit can easily blend with your website and content and does not set off any alarm bells or "banner phobia". This may result in your visitors actually taking the time to look at your advertisements and perhaps click.

Always go with the default blue link colour for your ad unit or slightly darker blue or even dark green. Try to always make the advertiser url as invisible as possible by making this a light grey. One last tweak, if you have any links in your main content portion of your webpage, change the colour of these to something other thanyour adsense link colour. However, keep your navigation the same colour as your Adsense links to make your adsense links look like they are part of your navigation.

Remember : The border and background colours of your Ad Unit must match your website background colour and the link should be the standard blue with the advertisers url a light grey. All other links in the content of your webpage should not be the same colour as your Adsense links.

Step 3:-Positioning the Ad Units

Just like the property business, its all about location, location, location. Its sad to see that most new Adsense publishers these days tend to put their Ad units on the left and right hand sides of the webpage. This will drastically reduce your CTR. The objective is to get position these Adsense units as close to the top and middle of your webpage as possible.

Visitors are conditioned to look for content in the middle of the webpage and will always overlook the sides because surfers who have come toyour website in search of an answer want only the answer which will be in the middle or the content portion of your website and will often always overlook the sides.

What works best for me is a large rectangular block just BELOW the Title and just above the content text. This is powerful at maximising your CTR because the visitor reads your title, is interested and what is the next thing they see?Advertisements.

The next best position to place an Ad Unit is right AFTER the main content. Combine these two and you have a webpage that is geared to have a high CTR because visitors who want products or services NOW will click the ads below the title and visitors who have been educated by your article and are interested in products or services related to your article will click the Ad units at the bottom of your webpage.

If your feeling a bit more adventurous and also if you have a long article, why not place an ad unit INSIDE your content, that's right place it about halfway through your article and make your text wrap around it. These Ad Units will gain the interest of visitors who were initially interested in the article and are now bored. So this is their ‘out' and you stand to make some money when they click away.

Last but not least, you've got Google Adsense Ad Link Units that are Google Adsense Ads that are grouped into links. Choose an appropriate size for your Ad Links Units and place them ABOVE your website navigation. This makes these Ad Link units look just like your navigation. So imagine the scenario when your visitors have finished reading your content and haven't already clicked away on one of your rectangular blocks that you have carefully positioned, they now look for more information so they look at your navigation, Lo and behold, they click.

Remember : Position a large rectangular block below the title, one at the bottom and one in the center if your content is long enough. Place Adlinks block on top of your navigation so that it looks like part of the navigation of your web

2 Months ago blogger introduced the best feature ever of that was pages. Now, blogger has introduced another good feature that will replace old and ugly themes collection and also theme editor(But this feature is in beta and you can access it on draft).

with this feature, you can customize your theme and make your blog professional. Another good thing of this feature is that you can make your theme one column, two column, three column or four column by clicking a button.

Here are are some features that are introduced in draft

  • Picture%2017 Another blogger great feature is near to be introducedFree Templates: There are 15 best templates for free available that looks like professional premium templates. You can select any of them for your blog.
  • Picture%2018 Another blogger great feature is near to be introducedDifferent Layouts: Make your blog easy to navigate with this feature. You can pick one column, two column, three column and four column layout for every theme included in this feature
  • Picture%2019 Another blogger great feature is near to be introducedHundreds of background images and patterns from iStockphoto, I think biggest investment so far to blogger is these awesome backgrounds.

Try it Now
Go to to log in to Blogger in Draft. (If you’ve never been there before, Blogger in Draft is just like regular Blogger, except with new, in-development features like this one.) Click on your blog’s “Layout” link to go to the Layout tab. The link to the Template Designer is at the end of the row of sub-tabs.

c5jdf7p 1034g592djcn b Another blogger great feature is near to be introduced

Picture%2032 Another blogger great feature is near to be introducedYou can use the live preview to see your new template without affecting your blog. When you find a new look that you’re happy with, just click the “Apply to Blog” button to publish it to the world. Note: You can backup your existing template ahead of time by going to Layout > Edit HTML. We recommend this if you have a customized blog design that you might want to go back to.

Classic template blogs: If you have a “Template” link or tab instead of “Layout,” you’ll first need to switch from Classic to Layouts before you can try out the Template Designer. Go to Classic > Customize Design and follow the instructions there. You’ll need to switch to one of our old templates first, but then you’ll be able to use the Template Designer to pick a new one.

As this is described in previous posts that meta tags can boost up traffic for your website and you can be top of differnet search engines. So, I will explain that what the meta tags are and how they work??

Meta tags are hidden HTML tags placed in the section of a web page. These tags are used to describe various aspects of a web page like Keywords, Description, Author Info, Copyright info and much more.

In terms of Search Engine Optimization there are two Meta Tags which are really important and these are Meta Keywords and Meta Description tags.

Sample Meta Tags:
Meta Tag

Meta Description Tags

The content of meta description tag is displayed below the title in search results however now a days this info is ignored by mostsearch engines as meta description tag is often misused with misleading or even false information about a page.

It doesn’t mean that we should stop using this tag as some search engines still index the contents of meta description tag for its search results. If we don’t specify meta description tag, the search engines will usually extract first few lines from the body text.

Normally search engines will index the first 140 – 160 characters of meta description tag content. I would suggest use the description thats sells the page and make sure its the summary of the page content.

Meta Keywords Tags

As the name suggest Keywords are the important words and phrases which describes the content . Actually, keywords represent your contents that what sort of data it contains but remember that irrelevant keywords can place you at millionth page in any search engine.

But, Content is the king, most of the search engines rely more on the content and if you use the keywords in meta tags its an advantage and help search engines to correlate the most relevant information to display in search results. Before selecting the keywords do some research as described in my previous post.

In these days, google is hardly accepting accounts for adsense specially from red flaged areas like Pakistan. Reason behind this is that most of the bloggers makes a free blog and then make their blg popular by just copy paste data and do some click fraud.

I got the idea to write this article after my friend’s application got rejected by Adsense team and they replied him back giving some guidelines to try his luck in the future.

Your application for Google Adsense will not be approved if your website or blog do not satisfy any of the following guidelines :

  • First of all your website must be your own top level domain like and not the sub domain like
  • Your website must contain only substantial and original content.
  • You must provide accurate personal information with your application that matches the information on your domain registration.
  • Your website must comply with Google Adsense program policies which are given here :

So if your website/blog satisfies these guidelines then don’t forget and move ahead to apply for an Adsense account. However, remember that these guidlines are not provided by but Google Adsense Policies Gave me

List of Top Text Link Advertising Networks

by Admin on March 15, 2010

Earn money from internet is the biggest and hot topic in these days. Lot of people are making website for only earning purpose and now another fasion is open in this era that is "Blogging for Money". There are lot of methods of earning money online. Earn money through text links is not a popular method but you can earn money though this mehtod if you have a page with high PR and high alexa raank.

Actually, there are many websites that are offering text links but, today, I will review some popular

  1. Text link ads – Text link ads is an adverting company located in NY which helps both the advertiser and publisher to make money of their services. To include your website as a publisher here on text link ads, your website should have Google page rank 3 or 4 at least and good Alexa ranking as well. They send your earnings on the first of every month via check, Paypal or Payoneer whichever you recommend. According to me, Text link ads; is the best adverting company for selling links on your website. I himself have been suing text link ads on some of my blogs with great success.
  2. TNX (Pronounced as the word Thanks) – TNX could be your ultimate target if you are willing to sell text links on your website. The good thing about TNX is that you can though on selling links on your website if your website doesn't have some real PR. And if your website have a good page rank, then the price for every link that is sold on your website will be quite high. They have the paypal as the mode of payment and they send your payments once every month.
  3. Linkworth – Linkworth has many adverting programs including text link ads which website owners and bloggers can use to make money. They have 70:30 commission ratio i.e. publishers will be paid 70 percent of amount they make with every opportunity and the rest will go to Linkworth account. They send the payments on the 10th of every month via check, paypal or bank transfer whichever you prefer. According to me, Linkworth is a win-win situation for both the publisher and blogger as it gives lots of money making opportunity to both with their website and services.
  4. Linkadage – Website owners can earn money by selling text links with Linkadage. With Linkadage, you can sell links on PR as well as non PR pages and even can set your own pricing for links.